Sunday, May 24, 2015
Start your Memorial Day off right, Yoga in the Park, 8am. It will be great to be back out with all of you, my foot is better and we will have a strong practice tomorrow. Bring family and friends and do the work that will let you enjoy the rest of the Holiday guilt free.
See you tomorrow!
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Yoga in the Park Class update for Thursday through Sunday.
Yoga in the Park Class update for Thursday through Sunday.
The good news is my foot is getting better, even got a sandal on it today. I feel confident that I will be back teaching yoga on Monday May 25th. Alenka will be teaching all classes until then. She has indicated, that for my regular Thursday and Saturday classes she will be modifying her class to be a bit more inline with my Power Yoga classes, so expect a bit more work.
If there are any of you out there that have not taken my Art of Massage Workshop, there are still 2 openings in the Workshop on the 31st of this month. Just email me and I will hold a spot for you
It will be nice to see you all again next week, I guess I have learned not to play doctor with my own body, one would of thought I could have handled a simple wart.
Again I want to thank all of you for your support for The Himalayan Children’s Fund and Tara Abbey, I continue to receive checks and cash donations and it looks like we will have an additional $1,000 or so to send there way very soon.
See you all soon,
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Yoga in the Park, Alenka will be teaching my Monday & Tuesday classes May, 18th & 19Th.
Yoga in the Park, Alenka will be teaching my Monday & Tuesday classes May, 18th & 19Th.
Some of you may know I had Alenka teach my Saturday class this week. I am working through a somewhat self-inflected foot injury that has gotten infected. I am on a strong Antibiotic now, but i cannot put any pressure on my right foot. I am hoping to be OK by Thursday, but I am taking it a day at a time.
Alenka will be teaching a level 1 / 2 Vinyasa class, so if you have not been to her classes yet, here is your opportunity.
See you all soon,
Friday, May 15, 2015
Yoga in the Park canceled today Friday, May 15 due to rain!
Yoga in the Park canceled today Friday, May 15 due to rain!
See you tomorrow saturday
Monday, May 11, 2015
Yoga in the Park fund raiser delivers $15,112 for Tara Abbey rebuild!!!

Friday, May 08, 2015
Saturday in the Park, please come out!
Yoga in the Park
Come out for yoga tomorrow Saturday, we will be taking a group photo and I really want to have as many people out that have helped make our Fund raising effort so successful. Saturday wraps up our main effort for the immediate need for Tara Abbey in Nepal. They have a long way to go and know that all of your regular donation each week as we go forward will continue to go to enhance the effort we have started here.
All donations received at any time will go to The Himalayan Children’s Fund and Tara Abbey for their rebuild effort. I will be announcing the total funds collected shortly after Saturday’s class, but I can tell you now it was much greater than I would ever of imagined.
My thanks to all of you who have supported our young women in Nepal, not only have the yogis that take my classes really stepped up, we have had friends and strangers who have heard about our effort make big donations. My heart felt thanks goes out to all for this commitment that you all have made.

Yoga in the Park canceled today Friday May 8th due to rain!
No class today, see you tomorrow Saturday May 9th!
Thursday, May 07, 2015
Wednesday, May 06, 2015
Tuesday, May 05, 2015
Yoga in the Park Nepal Relief update!

Monday, May 04, 2015
Tara Abbey update!
Tara Abbey was seriously damaged in the Earthquake last week I have attached some of the photos to keep you all up to date. At the moment all of the girls are still living outside. Of the 4 buildings at Tara Abbey, only one has the potential to be moved back into. The initial thinking is that they will need a year or two to rebuild to full capacity again. They will need much support and many dollars to make this happen.
We started our fund raising last Saturday, with some checks coming in even earlier from some of you. Your generosity is overwhelming, as a small group here in the United States we will make a real difference. With the rest of this week dedicated to the rebuild effort I am hopeful that we can raise even more money, as they say it takes a community, we have a great one!
Thank you for your support!

Saturday, May 02, 2015
Our Fund raiser for Tara Abbey and the Himalayan Children's Fund is off to a fast start!
With help from Friends of and Yogis from Yoga in the Park, our fund drive for Tara Abbey and The Himalayan Children’s Fund in Nepal is exceeding my best hopes and we have just started. People are digging deep, and getting creative in how they can help. I have received many large checks from people that don’t even come to our classes, I have had requests to help from as far away as Germany. I have a professional photographer who is donating her fees in support of Tara Abbey. With all of next week to go, I can only hope that people will continue to reach out to help. The need is great, but the response from all of you makes me very proud to be associated with each of you. We can make a difference!