Saturday in the Park, please come out!
Yoga in the Park
Come out for yoga tomorrow Saturday, we will be taking a group photo and I really want to have as many people out that have helped make our Fund raising effort so successful. Saturday wraps up our main effort for the immediate need for Tara Abbey in Nepal. They have a long way to go and know that all of your regular donation each week as we go forward will continue to go to enhance the effort we have started here.
All donations received at any time will go to The Himalayan Children’s Fund and Tara Abbey for their rebuild effort. I will be announcing the total funds collected shortly after Saturday’s class, but I can tell you now it was much greater than I would ever of imagined.
My thanks to all of you who have supported our young women in Nepal, not only have the yogis that take my classes really stepped up, we have had friends and strangers who have heard about our effort make big donations. My heart felt thanks goes out to all for this commitment that you all have made.

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