Yoga in the Park needs your help!
Earthquake in Nepal Devastates Tara Abbey
Your Help is needed now!
I try not to ask for donations accept for when things are dire, this is such a time. Please take a few moments to review the attached photos from Nepal. Our Yoga in the Park supports 12 of the girls at Tara Abbey, as well providing help with various other special needs for the Abbey in general. Their needs now are much greater than just the funding of the girls education, they have lost almost everything, they need basic life sustaining supplies; food, shelter, water electricity, etc. They are living outside in tents and it is unclear when or if they will be able to reenter the Abbey.
It is going to take a monumental effort to get things back to any reasonable sense of normal. Please help!!!
Here are the ways you can help:
(1) Write a check to the “Himalayan Children’s Fund” and mail it to me at:
Carl Brown
775 Oak Street
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
(2) Attend Yoga in the Park and donate, donate big, or at least as much as you can.
The week starting Saturday, May 2nd through May 9th, is totally dedicated to this relief effort.
(3) Schedule a massage with me, all funds go to the Himalayan Children’s Fund
call for an appointment 949-2801822
Massages are 90 minutes and the donation is $90
(4) Attend my upcoming Workshop The Art of Touch / The Art of Massage
Sunday, May 31, 2015 9am to 5pm
Full day workshop, see attached flyer, donation is $75
All funds go to The Himalayan Children’s Fund
We can make a difference, but we all need to help, even if you don’t attend Yoga or want a massage, please step up and help, open your check book and commit!
email me : for questions.

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