Do you support Yoga in the Park or do you just use it!
Do you support Yoga in the Park or do you just use it!
Like most things in life, there are a few people that always make the difference, they can be counted on to show up and they always carry their share of the load, if not more. I have always offered Yoga in the Park as a way to give back to our community and to share all that Yoga has brought into my life. I have always wanted to make yoga accessible to all in our community, regardless of financial capabilities. At the same time it has been my goal to share our abundant resources through a cause that does great good, The Himalayan Children’s Fund, for the education of young women in Nepal.
There are many of you who always make a donation, and some who can be counted on to send checks from time to time, unfortunately, there are those that never contribute, for those who have limited resources this is as it should be. However, most living in Laguna Beach and the surrounding communities have enough to share something. My classes are free to our community, but they are donation based and I rely on these donation to meet the commitment to The Himalayan Children’s Fund as well as provide for other teachers when they teach at Yoga in the Park.
As a rule I don’t ask for donations at class, I leave the bowl out and just hope that you will help. Too many days we have 12 to 18 people out for class and there are no donations. I know some of you make larger donations intermittently and that is recognized and very appreciated. I am asking that for those of you that do not contribute or do infrequently, that you step up and make a minimum donation of $5 at each class.
If we don’t support the things we like in life they go away, to keep Yoga in the Park alive and to attract teachers that can cover some of the classes I need everyone’s support. Please help if you can.