Monday, April 28, 2014
The website at Jabulani Yoga ( ) is now updated to take reservations and payments on line for this workshop. Again, sign up early as attendance is limited. The website has also been updated with the next workshop scheduled in June for those of you that cant make May 17th & 18th. I hope lots of you will take advantage of this workshop, it is a lot of fun and will introduce you to the wonderful world of massage. Email me if you need more information or have questions.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
The Art of Massage - The Art of Touch workshop
The web site at Jabulani Yoga has not been updated yet to allow registering for this workshop. If you would like to reserve your spot now please email me ( ) and I will hold your spot. Space is limited, so make sure you reserve early. This workshop would make a great Mother’s day gift for you or someone you know. If you have any questions please ask.
Carl Brown
Our young girls in Nepal
Tara Abbey & Himalayan Children’s Fund

My wife Linda is just back from her trip to Nepal where she was able to meet with all 12 of the girls we support through Yoga in the Park. Linda was our ambassador and personally greeted each of the girls. Each girl received a personal card with information about Yoga in the Park and Laguna Beach. They also received a small gift of money for their personal use, as none of these girls ever have an opportunity to acquire money for personal items. Linda delivered the funds we raised just prior to this trip and was able to hand deliver them to Tara Abbey for their much needed projects. One of those projects was cushions for their Shrine room, so the girls would not have to sit on the cold floor. I have attached a few photos for your enjoyment.
Thank you all for your continued support, our contributions make education possible for these girls, and they are forever grateful.
During classes next week, at Yoga in the Park, I will have available friendship bracelets that the girls in Nepal made for us, they are simple bracelets, the type you tie on your wrist and leave till they wear off. Please help yourself to one when you are at class, it is a small token of their appreciation.

Thursday, April 24, 2014
New Workshop Announcement!!!
The Art of Massage / The Art of Touch
I am so pleased to announce that in collaboration with Jabulani Yoga Studio I will be offering my Touch 101 Workshop in an expanded version at Jabulani Yoga Studio in Corona del Mar. The new “The Art of Massage / The Art of Touch” is a two day workshop that will teach you how to give a full body massage. I hope to offer this workshop monthly, the first workshop will be Saturday, May 17th (11am to 5pm) and Sunday, May 18th (1pm to 5pm). Jabulani and I are donating all funds from these workshops to The Himalayan Children’s Fund.
This first workshop is a women’s only workshop, however future workshops will offer the opportunity for mixed classes. Please review the attached flyer for all the details. Also please forward this on to anyone you think would be interested in the workshop. Even if you have taken my Touch 101 workshop in the past this would be a great expansion from those workshops with more time to practice and added strokes to make your massages even better.
Here is an opportunity to have some real fun and also help provide education for our girls in Nepal. Workshops will be limited in size so please sign up early. You can reserve through me or through JabulaniYoga.
If you have any questions please email me or see me at Yoga.
Carl Brown
Jabulani Yoga

Thursday, April 17, 2014
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Don't miss special Friday Yoga in the Park tomorrow!
Once again, there is no class this Saturday, so, don't let Friday get away, the weather is great join us at 8am tomorrow for Yoga in the Park, at the Montage public park as usual.
Wednesday, April 09, 2014
Monday, April 07, 2014
Yoga in the Park schedule change for this week only!
Yoga in the Park schedule change for this week only!
I will not be able to teach yoga on Saturday, April 12th, so that class is canceled, but to make up for it I am teaching a special class this Friday, April 11th. Friday’s class will be at 8am as usual, we have some great weather I hope lots of you can make it out Friday.
So, classes this week are Monday through Friday, and not Saturday!