Our young girls in Nepal
Tara Abbey & Himalayan Children’s Fund

My wife Linda is just back from her trip to Nepal where she was able to meet with all 12 of the girls we support through Yoga in the Park. Linda was our ambassador and personally greeted each of the girls. Each girl received a personal card with information about Yoga in the Park and Laguna Beach. They also received a small gift of money for their personal use, as none of these girls ever have an opportunity to acquire money for personal items. Linda delivered the funds we raised just prior to this trip and was able to hand deliver them to Tara Abbey for their much needed projects. One of those projects was cushions for their Shrine room, so the girls would not have to sit on the cold floor. I have attached a few photos for your enjoyment.
Thank you all for your continued support, our contributions make education possible for these girls, and they are forever grateful.
During classes next week, at Yoga in the Park, I will have available friendship bracelets that the girls in Nepal made for us, they are simple bracelets, the type you tie on your wrist and leave till they wear off. Please help yourself to one when you are at class, it is a small token of their appreciation.

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