Friday, December 30, 2011

Special Yoga Class at Jabulani Yoga in January!

There is a new community yoga center in Corona del Mar opening in January, Jabulani Yoga. As part of it's opening I will be conducting Wednesday evening, 6pm, classes in January. The first class will be on Wednesday Jan 4th. This class will be very similar to my Yoga in the Park classes, with a bit more hands on. This class like all of the classes I teach is to benifit the Himalayan Children's Fund. The recomended minimum donation is $5. All proceeds will go to the Himalayan Children's Fund. The class is 90 minutes with plenty of time after to talk or work on any postures that you need help with.

I hope I will see as many of you as possible at these classes to help support the Fund as well as get to know a great new studio in town. Here is a link to the new studio:

Jabulani Yoga

2711 East Coast Hwy suite 102

Newport Beach, Ca 92625

949.723.JABU (949.723.5228)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Yoga in the Park Basic Class Etiquette

Basic Class Etiquette

As we start 2012 and get new people out for our classes, I feel it necessary to remind people of my expectations for our class. We have the luxury of being outside so we have more latitude than most studios, however there are some things that just make the time we have together better for all of us, to that end I hope you will all take these requests into consideration when you attend Yoga in the Park.

1. Try to be on time, we start at 8am sharp, if you have to arrive late, still come, just come in quietly and take up a spot.

2. Cell phone are never appreciated, if you bring one make sure it is off!

3. Please don’t bring your children, dog or pet to class, they are a distraction to all of us. Children are welcome if they have their own mat and are capable of staying with the class without interruption.

4. If you need to leave early, please leave before we start shavasana, never get up and leave after we have started shavasana, this is a quite period and we don’t want people walking, picking up their belongings, talking, etc. If you have stayed this long stay till the end, this is a basic courtesy to me the instructor.

Please do bring your friends, it is also very nice to see people early and if you want some special guidance this is the time to ask for individual help. I am usually able to talk with you after class as well. I hope our class continues to grow; it is always a real pleasure to see new faces.

Thanks for your understanding of my basic class rules.


Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Week Day Classes

As we prepare to move into the new year, I am asking that those of you who do not attend Saturday's class pick a day each week when you do come and make that your donation day. My goal is to have everyone participate in our efforts to support the Himalayan Children's Fund. I know many contribute already during the week and it is greatly appreciated. My goal is to keep the weekday classes Free, however, if everyone contributes at least once a week it can really make a difference. We currently support 10 young nuns with their education and living expenses at Tara Abbey. I would like for us to do more, as the need is always there. I will always have the Sign in Sheet and bowl out for recording and deposit of your donations.

Again, as we move into the Holiday period,I want to remind everyone that I do not accept gifts and never take any money for myself. Donations to the Himalayan Children's Fund are always appreciated.

I hope your Holidays are wonderful and I hope that you will support my slight change to the weekday classes.
