Thursday, December 29, 2022
Unfortunately my Sciatica attack is a bad one, at the moment I have a difficult time walking even a few feet. This same thing happened to me in 2020 and I was down for about 3 weeks. So at the moment I need to cancel classes through at least Jan 8th. I will update you as I improve and hopefully we can restart again soon. In the mean time do not forget my on line classes that are on Youtube. .
It’s a tuff way to start the New Year, but it’s what is.
Sunday, December 25, 2022
Yoga classes canceled for Dec 26th and 29th!
Yoga in the Park Canceled for Dec 26 and 29th!
Unfortunately Santa brought me a sever case of Sciatica, I was working through it on Saturday but it has taken me down and I will need a bit of rest to get back to class. I am hopeful that by Saturday the 31st I will be back, but I will update as we get closer to that date.