Monday, January 27, 2014
I hope you did not fall in love with Lindsey. You have me again starting tomorrow. See you all at 8am.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
A special opportunity for Saturday Jan 25 and Monday Jan 27th at Yoga in the Park
A special opportunity for Saturday Jan 25 and Monday Jan 27th at Yoga in the Park
While I nurse my Sciatica, Lindsey will be returning to Teach Yoga in the Park this Saturday, Jan 25, and Monday Jan 27th. Linsey Richard, is a wonderful yoga teacher form Jabulani Yoga in Corona del Mar, if you have not reviewed Lindsey's profile, check it out at : Lindsey earns some of her income from teaching yoga, she is teaching my classes without any direct compensation, so for these classes all donations will go to Lindsey for her efforts, as usual all classes are free, however as usual, donations are always accepted and appreciated, normal donations of $5 would be greatly appreciated. I hope you will all come out to Yoga in the Park during for her classes, it is a great chance to learn from a very special teacher. It is also a great chance to enhance and grow your practice. Your support for her while I am away will greatly affect my ability to make this happen again in the future, so if you like not having classes canceled make sure you make it to class on Saturday and Monday!

Yoga in the Park canceled today, Jan 23rd!
I am dealing with an attack of Sciatica on the right side, I got through class yestersay, however today its worse, so I need to give it some rest. So class today is canceled.
I am sorry for the short notice.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Martin Luther King Day Yoga in the Park 1/20/14
Yoga in the Park, real people working in their practice, this is not a class for just those that have masterd the postures, but rather for all of us that still have the long road ahead, join us, build your strength, gain your balance, both on the mat and in your life, and take the opportunity to look inside yourself. We work hard, but our rewards speak for themselves.

Sunday, January 19, 2014
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Friday, January 10, 2014
Yoga in the Park 2013 Donations
I just finished sending out the Tax deductible notifications for those of you who have donated to support the Himalayan Children’s Fund and Tara Abbey in 2013. Through your help we raised almost $12,000 to support the education of girls in Nepal. I send notices to those who sign in for class and list their donation, I know that many of you just drop money in the bowl and do not sign in, I want to thank everyone who donates, without all of you our help for these girls would not be possible.
Through the Sign-In sheet I track donations so I can send out year end statements for your tax records. I can only send these to people who clearly give me their first and last name and list the dollars donated, I also need to have a record of your email address. If you want to make sure you receive your tax notice, please sing in, it is the only way I have of recognizing your contribution.
Again, my class is a free class, however I always accept donations, and as always I never keep any money for myself, all funds go to support the Himalayan Children’s Fund and Tara Abbey.
I hope I see you all in 2014.