Yoga in the Park supports "Himalayan Childrens Fund"

For 2010 all of the proceeds that are generated through the Yoga in the Park Classes as well as all proceeds from my Bodywork sessions will go to provide education for Himalayan Children. These kids have nothing and without support there would be no education. The schools are in Nepal, my wife has visited there and this is truly a worthwhile endevaor.
Wangdu Chodron 14
Diki Lhama 15
From Chumba and From Nar respectively
My hopes are to support at least 10 kids for 2010. The support will pay for both their education and boarding. Here are pictures of the first two children we will be helping as we start the new year.
These are both young girls attending Tara Abbey as well as Shree Mangal DVIP school. I will post more information on them as I get it. Please view the web site below for lots of great information on the schools and their programs. And as always your support is greatly appreciated. All checks should be made out to Himalayan Childrens Fund and can be hand delivered to me at any class or mailed to me at 775 Oak Street, laguna Beach, CA 92651.